5 Benefits of Turmeric for Postpartum Recovery

Turmeric spice is known to have many healthy benefits, including having anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin is its main and most effective ingredient. It is recommended that you take curcumin, either by incorporating turmeric powder into your meals or by taking supplements, with black pepper for better absorption. Here are 5 benefits of turmeric in your postpartum recovery. 

  1. Fights Postpartum Depression
  2. Boosts your Immune System 
  3. Helps with Digestion
  4. Reduces inflammation in breast tissue and supports lactation
  5. Helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels 

Here’s a delicious and soothing warm drink that you can incorporate into your postpartum nutrition plan: 

Golden Milk Recipe

-1 cup cup milk or coconut/ almond milk

-1 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

-1 tbsp grated fresh ginger

-1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 

-1/4 tsp ground black pepper

-1 tsp coconut oil

Combine ingredients in a small pot over medium heat. Whisk occasionally for 4-5 minutes. Pour liquid through a strainer and add honey and/or more spices for more sweetness or flavor. 

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