
5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Low Back Pain in Pregnancy 

Low back pain is a common complaint during pregnancy, due to the growing uterus and strain on the thoracic and lumbar spine. Try taking deep breaths into the back of the ribcage as you settle into each pose

Child’s Pose 

– start by kneeling on the mat with feet together and knees wide. 

– sit back on your heels and stretch your arms forward, forehead resting on the mat


  • Sit in a rolling chair with hands resting on a desk. Roll the chair away until you feel a stretch in the mid and low back.
  • Same position on the mat, but with hands or elbows on a physioball. Both are great during the third trimester!

Cat/ Cow

– start by getting into a hands and knees position, with knees open hip width

– inhale then exhale as you tuck the tailbone, firm and draw the belly upward, let the head drop (cat)

– inhale as you start to arch the low back and draw the chest forward, lastly looking up (cow)


  • Do the same movements sitting on a physioball with the palms resting on your thighs 
  • Start from the pelvis, feel the movement through the spine, and drop/ lift the head last 


Legs Up The Wall

– you will need props for this pose: consider using 2-3 pillows, a wedge or a yoga bolster, a blanket or towel, and 2 yoga blocks

– place yoga mat so that one end is touching the wall. Put the pillows or bolster the long way with the folded blanket/ towel in between the props and the wall. The yoga blocks can add more height under the props if desired.

– to get into the pose, sit on the folded blanket, lie on your side then roll onto your back, swinging one leg up against the wall at a time. 

–  your spine and head should be resting comfortably on the bolster or pillows and pelvis on the blanket


  • Legs can be straight against the wall, open in a wide straddle, or soles of the feet together in a butterfly stretch

Seated Spinal Twist  

– sit comfortably in a cross-legged position

– inhale and exhale as you turn your chest and shoulders to the left side. Your right hand on the opposite knee or on the floor in front of your feet. Opposite hand is on the floor behind your back

– make sure you’re sitting on top of the pelvis with the shoulders stacked above the hips

– unwind and twist to the other side


  • Depending on how flexible your hips are, you can do the same stretch with one leg extended and the opposite knee bent and foot on the floor. Rotate AWAY from the bent knee.

Supported Chair Pose at Wall

– this is a more active pose than restorative, as you will use your thigh and glut muscles.

– stand leaning against the wall with your feet hip width apart, or wider if you feel unsteady.

– slide down into a squat. Make sure that your knees are lined up with your ankles the whole time. 

– tighten your belly and pelvic floor muscles as you exhale. If you have a large curve in the low back, tilt your pelvis backward so that the tailbone is curving under, then lean your trunk forward. 

– keep the back straight and extend your arms in front of you. Breathe comfortably for a few breaths, before standing up. 

– relax in between repetitions


  • Keep back flat against wall with arms stretched overhead

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